Auckland Castle Walk


Everyone has that special place that they go to when they want to relax, or go for a walk, to search for clarity or inspiration.

One of my places that I always seem to be drawn towards is Auckland Castle.

The Castle itself may well be closed, currently going through a transitional period, with a full restoration taking place which is anticipated to reopen in May of next year.

But Auckland Castle has so much more to offer and enjoy than just the castle itself.

Once you approach and enter the Robinson Arch you know your arriving somewhere special, parts of the grounds may well be currently under construction, but the warm feeling you have when you arrive will never be extinguished.


The grounds of Auckland Castle are simply beautiful, tranquility away from all the hustle and bustle of your life, a place that you can visit just too completely switch off and unwind.

A park which is popular with dog walkers and family trips out.


Heading left you can venture into the castle grounds where you’ll be met and amazed by the iconic Auckland Castle itself, a place where you can choose to walk the grounds, sit and rest awhile on one of the many benches or perhaps bring a picnic with you to enjoy.


Or you can carry on straight into the park, where you’ll be met by many of the different trails for you to explore.


For me, Auckland Castle has it all, the history and heritage, the sounds and the sight of the flowing river, the lush green parkland, the woodland and the rolling countryside in the distance.

The photography opportunities are outstanding with so much beauty on show in one place.

Below are two of my favourite photos I’ve taken within Auckland Castle’s parkland.

Both photographs capture Auckland Castle’s true beauty and everything that makes it great.

The wonderful castle in the distance on a Summer’s day, and the transition of the colours within the woodland during the Winter months too.

Auckland Castle is a place I go to gather my thoughts, surrounded by nature, to enjoy the peacefulness of the place, to find clarity, to discover inspiration.

It’s a special place for me, as I know it is for many, and it will be for you too.

To learn more about Auckland Castle and their projects please click the below link for more information:

For more information or to read more of my articles please visit:

Author: Andrew Corry

Looking for opportunities as a part time freelance writer. All voluntarily work will be considered to help build my portfolio. UK Blogging Awards 2017 Finalist for my Kynren Blog - My Experience. The awards ceremony was held at Westminster, London in April 2017. I currently write for a number of clients based in business, tourism and music related industry's. For all enquiries please contact me at: for further details.